
Ting-Yu Lin


Data Enthusiast

Download Resume

About Me

嗨你好,我是林庭羽, 因為熱愛量化分析以及寫程式而一頭栽進了資料科學。
在這個網站中,你可以到Projects看看一些我過去的一些專案, 也非常歡迎來信交流、指教。

Hi there, this is Ting-Yu Lin. I am equipped with strong quantitative analysis and programming background (see more in Projects). Please feel free to contact me.



  • python
  • R
  • SQL
  • NLP
  • javascript
  • git
  • java
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistics
  • Google Analytics


Data Scientist

DDT - Cathay Century Insurance (數數發中心 - 國泰世紀產險)

  • Modeling drivers' behaviors to assist car insurance.
  • Data Analyst

    AUOptronics (友達光電)

    【Data Modeling】
  • Lead intern to applied NLP techniques on 1000+ autobiographies. Provide proof of concept for talents autotagging system.
  • Built, maintained, and evaluated machine learning models. e.g., conducted error analysis for model and improved model’s AUC by 12%.
  • Analysed employee prosocial behaviours to identify the most engaged employees as the promoters of HR campaigns.
  • Simulated and analyzed return of investment (ROI) of Employee Stock Ownership Trust Policy. Assisted C&B department in refining their welfare campaign and defined the optimal timing to promote the campaigns.

  • 【Data Visualization】
  • Established dashboards for over 7 regions and 50+ management indexes via Tableau. Leveraged in quarterly review by CSO, CHRO, and top managements to define HR strategy and tactic actions.
  • Enhanced the performance of Tableau dashboards by redesigning data schema, optimizing SQL, and applying some tips. Reduced 80% of dashboard render time.

  • 【Web Crawler/RPA/Data Governance】
  • Developed a web crawler to collect daily News and select the most important News. Replaced manual work for the HR department and saved 2 hours per day.
  • Automated HR processes via robotic process automation. Reduced 70% ~90% of operation time.
  • Partnered with human resources, information technology, and quality system department to complete data governance. Ensured the consistency and reliability of data for the whole company.
  • Frontend Developer

    National Taiwan University, Modeling and Informatics Lab

  • Supervisor: Prof. Tsung-Ren, Huang (Department of Psychology, NTU)
  • Developed webiste via React.js and designed data scheme
  • Research Assistant

    National Taiwan University, Modeling and Informatics Lab

  • Supervisor: Prof. Tsung-Ren, Huang (Department of Psychology, NTU)
  • Cooperated with NTU Artificial Intelligence Center, NTU Electronic Engineering Department, and NTU Medical Department to improve social companion robots.
  • Designed behavior experiments to explore the relationship between the allocation of visual attention and people’s preference when interacting with social companion robots.
  • Teaching Assistant

    National Taiwan University, Psychoinformatics and Neuroinformatics (Graduate Cource)

  • Lecturer: Prof. Tsung-Ren, Huang (Department of Psychology, NTU)
  • Created auto-grading programs to grade students’ assignments.
  • Provided support to over 100 students’ class questions including Web Crawling, Website Front-end, Website Back-end (PHP, Node.js), Web APIs, Database, Machine learning, Deep learning, OpenCV, and Parallel Distributed Computing.
  • Education

    University of Melbourne

    Jul. 2019 - Jul. 2020

    Postgraduate Exchange Program

    National Taiwan University

    Sep. 2017 - Aug. 2020

    Master of Science in Psychology

    National Taiwan University

    Sep. 2013 - Jun. 2017

    Bachelor of Science in Psychology


    FB Big Data Analysis (NTU CS+X Competition, MVP)

    Our Slides
    Shiny Source Code
    Visit Our R Shiny Website

    CogAT (Master Thesis)

    Publication: Yeh, Y.-Y., Lin, T.-Y., Huang, T.-R., & Kuo, C.-Y. (2022) Development of a tablet-based task battery of executive functions. Chinese Journal of Psychology, in press.

    Developed 16 Cognitive Tasks on ipad, R package (NTUCogTask), and Data Exploration GUI.
    R package: NTUCogTask (Analysis Tool for CogAT)
    Data Exploration Website demo
    App Demos

    Big Data Parallel Analysis (MPI)

    This project aims for implementing a simple, parallelized application leveraging High-Performance Computing(HPC) facility —— SPARTAN. The application will analysis 20GB data from Twitter to identify the top10 most frequenly occurring hashtags and the languages most commonly used for tweeting.
    Source Code

    Azul AI Agent

    Development of AI agent for competing in board game -- Azul. We developed four agents based on DFS, Greedy Search, MCTS, Minimax respectively. Our final agent was Minimax with alpha-beta pruning, customized pruning and fine-tuned utility function. Also, we used some tricks to reduce the computing time so we could expand more nodes within the time constraint. We ranked 8 out of 64 in the tournament.

    Source Code
    Agents Video Demo Playlist

    AI: Deceptive Path-Planning

    Implementation of Deceptive Path-Planning.
    Masters, P., & Sardina, S. (2017, August). Deceptive Path-Planning. In IJCAI (pp. 4368-4375).
    Source Code
    πd2 Strategy Demo
    πd3 Strategy Demo

    Social Information Survey

    It is a customized survey which applies website technique to demonstrate a non-traditional psychology survey (Inclusion of other in the self scale, IOS).
    Website Demo


  • Yeh, Y.-Y., Lin, T.-Y., Huang, T.-R., & Kuo, C.-Y. (2022) Development of a tablet-based task battery of executive functions. Chinese Journal of Psychology, in press.
  • Courses

    Data & AI & CS

    Modeling & Statisitcs

    Awards & Scholarships


    Joint Conference of NTU/PKU/CUHJ Psychology Department Poster

    May 2018

    Excellent Performance

    NTU Computer Science + X competition

    Sep. 2016

    First Place


    Lin's Scholarship


    For Outstanding Academic Student to face the Challenge of Taiwan Society

    Ministry of Education Scholarship


    For Outstanding Academic Performance University Students Study Abroad


    Data & CS
